Lazyhawk - Cloudy Sea No. 2
These are the challenges for March 2010:
Create an ACEO that depicts your favorite animal.
Depict a Full Moon with a bird of prey in the same picture.
Kites. (March is the windy month)
Childhood Memory.
Need Coffee.
Something full of spring.
Nature Silhouetted.
I wanna be where it's warm.
An aceo that shows Spring in the City.
Something or someone that inspires you.
St. Patrick's Day.
Something related to Native American Indians.
Do a continuous line drawing.
Family Fun.
Create and ACEO with clouds in it.
Animal Funnies.
Wildlife of any kind...something from the wild.
The Old Swimming Hole.
In to the woods. (hiking, camping...)
Create a circle on the Etch-A-Sketch, then take a picture.
Create an Easter themed ACEO.
*Originally Challenged on the 7 Card Draw Team*
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