Thank you to everyone who participated. and congratulations to all the winners! This month's challenge was a lot of fun!
zentangles, zendoodles, or zendalas
Below are the winners chosen by the judges!
Judges Choice - 1st Place
BobbinandPixel - A Fabulously Pink Whale
Anna of BobbinandPixel wins this 8.5 x 11 sized, 128 page in color book - Zen Doodling by Carolyn Scrace, donated by Pam of alwaysartistic. Learn how to zendoodling with her fun book. This prize is valued at $15 plus the cost of shipping.
Barbara Donati - Goldfish Under The Sea
Barbara of GoodBookNook wins 2 packages of Andy Warhol painting post it notes donated by Chris of paint1chris. 1st package is the first 2 photos, 2nd package is the last 2 photos. This prize is valued at $16.80 plus the cost of shipping.
IrelandBrady - Angel Fish
Karen Anne wins the below original ACEO donated by Stacy of magiclovecrow - This prize is valued at $9.25 plus the cost of shipping.
People's Choice Winner
We have a tie...IrelandBrady - Jelly Fish
tapestry316 - Sea Turtle
Karen Anne of IrelandBrady AND Kathy of tapestry316 both win any ACEO from Pam's shop, the below ACEO's are just a few you can choose from depending on what is for sale at the time of your win. I do not have a lot of ACEO's in my shop right now, so feel free to wait a while to see what may be added soon. Donated by Pam of alwaysartistic. This prize is valued at $5.00 plus the cost of shipping.