July 2009 Winner

There was no winner in June as the prize pool was too small, it was held over until July 2009.

Linda (LDphotography) won the ACEO Mini Bounty for June-July 2009. The above ACEO by backroomtreasures is just one of the 11 cards she won.

The winner of the mini ACEO Bounty thread was Carole (readingsully2), she won 1 card from the Mini ACEO Bounty. She chose this ACEO from Marlene (lazyhawk)

Congrats Linda & Carole!

July 2009 Challenge List

These are the challenges for July 2009: 

Water Birds.
Houses (Brownstones, Victorian, Bungalows, etc)
Doggie Adventures
The Moose (bulls, cows, calves, etc)
What makes you happy ?

*Originally Challenged on the ACEO Bounty Team*