There was no winner in June as the prize pool was too small, it was held over until July 2009.
Linda (LDphotography) won the ACEO Mini Bounty for June-July 2009. The above ACEO by backroomtreasures is just one of the 11 cards she won.
The winner of the mini ACEO Bounty thread was Carole (readingsully2), she won 1 card from the Mini ACEO Bounty. She chose this ACEO from Marlene (lazyhawk)
Congrats Linda & Carole!

The winner of the mini ACEO Bounty thread was Carole (readingsully2), she won 1 card from the Mini ACEO Bounty. She chose this ACEO from Marlene (lazyhawk)
Congrats Linda & Carole!